He weighed 8lbs. 4oz. and was 21.5 inches long
My smallest baby yet!
On Saturday I hurried out of the house to join my Mom, my Aunt, and a couple cousins for lunch and shopping. My goal was to walk myself into labor - I succeeded. We went to the hospital only to be sent away because I was in labor but not active enough labor...I really wanted to smack the nice nurse, she was saved because I could tell she really wanted me to stay. So, Sunday morning I went home to my parents house with a sleeping pill and orders to stay in Boise because "real" labor could start any moment. The contractions did get worse but they became sporadic/not regular - sometime after midnight I was done, and made Greg take me back to the hospital. It was now Monday morning and I was officially 39 weeks so they had to keep me (I was scheduled for an induction that same morning). After waiting for a nurse to get in (again no progression with my labor, it was too sporadic) - they started the pit and my epidural. And 45 minutes after breaking my water we had a baby.
Congratulations!! He is awesome!!
Oh my goodness!! I love your story! I love him- he is so sweet!! Holy crap 8 pds 4 ounces!! He and Andra were only an ounce difference!! He just fits in so perfect!!
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