Thursday, June 25, 2009
They Can Sleep Anywhere....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My Two Sons
1. Today I was rubbing his gums and noticed that overnight his first tooth has broken the surface...and I am sure that the second should be showing its self very soon. (Both Wesley and Max cut their first tooth in June - Wesley at six months, Max at seven months)
2. He can sit up on his own and I am very happy about this. He is now learning to fall with grace and not thuds. He is much happier this way because he can see more and play better with Wesley. (When Wesley first learned to sit up, he loved to play with my babysitters daughters by falling backwards into their laps...the three of them would laugh and laugh)
3. He is he is not crawling but he can definitely get around by rolling and scooting. This is both good and bad. Good because he can find the toys he wants...Bad because usually they are the toys Wesley is playing with. Yes, we are swiftly learning how to share and to trade toys. (Wesley did not roll much nor did he start to crawl early, Wesley did the what I called the army crawl all over the house for months before will be interesting to see what Max decides to do)
4. Food is his favorite thing. If he is hungry, watch out because he is going to let you know. And you had better have the needed food ready or the high pitch squeals will start. (And really Food + Wesley = Love)
5. I love that he now will reach for you when you go to pick him up. I remember when Wesley first did this, it melted my heart then as well.
Wesley will soon be TWO AND A HALF years old. How can my baby be getting that old? It is not fair, I really miss the baby that he use to be but I also love the stage that he is in now.
2. Wesley loves his "Ruff" This is his disgusting stuffed panda bear that he does not sleep without. And when he is getting his bedtime kisses at night, he also wants you to kiss the bear.
3. Trains, Planes, and Automobiles. He loves all three...trains being his first love. We live near railroad tracks and a small airport. If he hears the train wistle or a plane over head, the will stop what he is doing and come tell that he heard it.
4. He will not eat food that is mixed together - he likes the idea of soup but will not eat it. The only exception to this is spaghetti, he will eat the sauce, noodles, and meat all mixed up.
5. Coming soon is Potty Training 101. For both Mommy and Wesley...I have never potty trained before so this will be a learning experience for both of us.
Sidenote...As I was working on this post, Wesley kept pointing at the pictures and saying "There's Max" or "There's Wesley"
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Flower Power
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Fun with Sleep...
Wesley has always been a great sleeper...I was getting 6 hours of sleep most nights when he was six weeks old. Below are some funny sleep situations I have found him in. Wesley seriously loves to sleep - just last week he hugged his bed. And he has a habit of waking up, finding Mom or Dad and announcing "I'm awake" and he manages to sound really annoyed by that fact. At nearly 2 1/2 he still takes a long nap (3 hours) most every afternoon...I am really going to miss nap time when it leaves us, hopefully this will not happen to soon.
Max on the other hand is not the greatest sleeper on the planet but there is hope (I have finally broken down and we are treating his reflux). His naps are starting to follow a much better schedule and they are becoming a little longer everyday. For awhile, I was letting him just fall asleep wherever he was...even if it was while he was playing. And on the days where he is napping on Mommy's bed, sometimes the cat joins him. Though she tends to be annoyed that she must share the space.