Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

32 Things about Me, on My 32nd Birthday

  1. I have a degree in History and Minored in Political Science

  2. I got my teaching certificate but have decided that I don't like teaching High School

  3. I will be going to law school

  4. My two boys are the best, most adorable kids ever (you other Mom's are sure to disagree)

  5. I went to BYU-Hawaii for two semesters

  6. Chocolate and carmal are a match made in Heaven...though I do agree with my Aunt, cheesecake is heavenly as well.

  7. I have only read the first two books in the Twlight series...I got bored and mildly discusted

  8. I have never read the Harry Potter books but I like the movies

  9. Sometimes I miss working full-time outside the home, but I would not trade watching my kids grow up for any career.

  10. My hair is naturally curly...there was a time that I was willing to shave my head if my hair would come back straight.

  11. I miss the ocean - the smells, the sounds, how it feels...

  12. I think, Jen Lancaster's memoirs are awesome.

  13. Doing crafts is peaceful to me

  14. My children watch too much television (I joke that they attend the Preschool of Disney Channel).

  15. I wish I was a more organized person...but do have great intentions of being more organized.

  16. I have a great really, I do - he does the dishes and cleans my if only he would clean the bathrooms...

  17. I like to read food blogs for fun.

  18. I love celebrating the holiday's - all of them, even the random small ones.

  19. I recently realized that I missed sewing, not clothes but crafty items.

  20. My cats are hilarious...a great source of entertainment

  21. I would love to be able to travel more - With and without the kids.

  22. I am grateful to live so close to so much of my family and my husbands family.

  23. Somedays, I could be a nicer person.

  24. My sister is my best friend...I miss having her living close to me.

  25. I am finding that my husband is a pretty good substitute (best friend)...for a boy.

  26. I worry too much, about everything.
  27. Love to cook, hate to do the dishes.
  28. Housework is the bain of my existance.
  29. I love to take long bubble baths and read good books.
  30. I really need a pedicure but I hate doing them myself...I would rather pay someone to do one - the pampering is nice.
  31. Hello, my name is Cynthia and I am addicted to popcorn and shopping.
  32. I find myself easily distracted...perhaps the reason I am not more organized?


Angie said...

Couldn't we all be a little nicer?? LOL!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a great day!!

Rita Merrick said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I've loved getting to know you!